We’ve recently added some exciting new features to help you: We’ve added new features in booking and coaching ecosystems. 
  1. All Play : Now players can also book individual slots instead of the entire court making group play easy, Multiple people can book the same slot and play together. Works great for turfs, grounds, and courts. And the admin can control everything in the new backend, configure no people allowed per slot, price for a single all play booking,  block some slots of the day for all play, and more.
    Note: Update your existing open hours to enable this feature.
    Find this Feature in:  https://www.shareplay.in/admin/venue-management – Open hours


  2. Create Continuous Flexi Programs : Create highly customizable programs where students can choose the number of weekly sessions they want to attend in a month and pay accordingly. Create custom fee for every choice.    
    Note: Update your existing program or create a new program with continuous flexi to enable this feature. 
    Find this Feature in:  https://www.shareplay.in/admin/coachingmanagement- Manage Programs

  3. Monthly Payment Split- Fixed programs : Allow students to pay fees also on monthly splits instead of full prepaid. This enables new joinees joining half way, ease the payment burden and improves registrations.
    Update your existing ‘Programs’ to enable this feature. 
    Find this Feature in:  https://www.shareplay.in/admin/coachingmanagement – Manage Programs


  4. Reports You Wanted  : Booking reports are now available with customer names and contact information, so you can contact them for future correspondence.
    Find this Feature in:  https://www.shareplay.in/admin/coachingmanagement – Manage Programs


  5. Direct Venue Links:  Now you can create and send specific links to your venue, for easy booking.
  6. Bulk Upload Students /Org members:  Bulk upload of existing students through a spreadsheet (xls) is now available. Go ahead and upload your entire database in one go.
Other updates include Parents downloading payment receipts from their profile. Customer Email verification for booking and coaching registrations. Better UI and bug fixes. 
If you have missed our past updates please click here Feb 2024 updates 

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